Ben and I spent a ton of time planning out what I’d need to bring to the hospital! We weren’t sure how many nights I’d be there (could be as little as one if everything went well) or if he would be able to stop by due to Covid restrictions, so he wanted to make sure I had everything I needed.
Based on lessons learned from my own experience, below are 6 items that I would recommend:
- Comfy PJs: You’ll want a pair that’s soft or silk so that they’re easy to slide on and off. I had leggings on and they were my biggest regret! They were so hard to pull up.
- Slip on Shoes (I brought a pair of Ugg slippers and they were a dream): Trying to get sneakers on the day after surgery is not easy. Stick with sandals or some type of slip on shoe or slipper!
- Eye Mask: The nurses will come in and out of your room a ton during the night. I’m pretty sure I woke up each time lol so having an eye mask to block out the lights being flicked on and off would have been a game changer.
- Phone Charger: I brought my iPhone charger and a portable charger just in case there wasn’t an outlet close by. If you’re during this surgery doing Covid times and your visitor list is limited, you’ll want to make sure your phone (or any other electronic you bring) doesn’t run out of juice.
- Snacks: I wish I brought these with me! The cafeteria was closed by the time my surgery was done, so it would have been nice to have something for Ben and I to snack on. I wasn’t starving by any means, but there were a few times during the night where wish I had something small and quick to eat!
- Masectomy Pillow: My favorite and most used product. I would bring this to the hospital or even just have it waiting in the car so that you can use it on the way home. It’ll give you protection from the seatbelt and an extra layer of comfort on the car ride back.
And those are my top picks! The main thing I learned was that you don’t need to pack much. Just a small bag with the above items and any other comforts from home would be enough. For the most part the hospital will have what you need!
Ps. The products I loved most are linked below if you’re looking for some recs!